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Joseph Segal
WE need to move from Owned Workers to Worker Owned! Democracy in the workplace. Lord knows we lost in in our government.We the People! That's not a new idea but it is a good one! Winning ideas being viewed by people in Congress doesn't matter. What matters is all of US the people view and work on these ideas and solve our problems together. Most of the ideas on this site are great ideas that would raise the living conditions of everyone in society! But democracy requires all of us to participate and be educated and we must start working together politics aside and not count on politicians to save us. Here's a video from a worker owned conference describing what the idea is. http://youtu.be/rPQl5Wi5xn8 There are lots of styles of cooperatives but the idea is shared decision making power that puts workers, customers, community and the Earth on even par with profits. Everyone wins and has dignity and respect! Corporations are like dictatorships or Feudal empires and workers serfs. We can create a better way forward for all with worker owned businesses thanks.
Dec. 21, 2014, 11:09 p.m.